Join a Church at Home Group!

In order to love and serve our city, we are holding our Sunday service online. If you would like to watch and worship with a small group in your home, or visit one of our hosting families, let us know down below. Here's what to expect:

A Family of Familes

The Church is a family of families, and at LifePoint we do our very best to reflect that. Our families have different stories, you have your own story within that story, and together we play a part on God's big story of Creation.

A Time of Worship

Psalm 100:1 says, "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!" and "Come into his presence with singing!" We encourage our Church at Home groups to join in worship and sing out loud right there in the living room.

Gospel-Centered Preaching

Each Sunday we submit ourselves to Word of God and preach the Gospel.  In every sermon you can expect to hear the message of freedom from sin through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Feature Four

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