How it all started...
Pastor Lorenzo dreamed of planting a church with a simple goal: to make much of Jesus and to help people discover God's love for them. With the help of his wife and family, along with the initial core team, 12 people committed to seeing this dream become a reality. LifePoint Church began January 6, 2008. That Sunday, more than 200 people attended that first service and we have been pointing people to Jesus ever since.

Expanding the vision...
From the beginning, LifePoint Church has focused on reaching those who do not know God personally and helping them to connect to God and others through LifeGroups. The life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of Sunday services, and the relaxed style of LifePoint brought immediate growth. in our first year, the church grew from 10 to over 200 in attendance, 30 people were baptized, and we have partnered and supported church planting from day 1.
Where we are headed...
Today, thousands have been blessed in our community and around the world through the ministry impact of LifePoint Church, and many people call LifePoint Church their home. We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and people are free to seek God with passion.
Be a part of our story!
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00am